在白日梦的音符里,树开花了,画也唱起了歌,你的心是否快乐? 身兼画家、诗人、作曲家身份的旅韩华裔钢琴家白日梦,首张钢琴专辑《白日梦Dreaming》推出后堂堂登上韩国排行榜冠军,他也为『巴黎恋人』、『冬季恋歌』、『纯真年代』等知名韩剧编写配乐,温柔、诗意、平易近人的钢琴旋律,彷彿具有抚慰人心的魔力,使他成为韩国海外发行最知名的疗伤系钢琴家,受到亚洲各地乐迷的喜爱。 这几年在美术界和文坛也很活跃的白日梦,新专辑《一棵开花的树Melody Tree》呈现了他更多元的创作向度,题材包括来自生活的体验、对生命的热爱、对自然的观察与想象,甚至加入韩国传统乐器「奚琴」一同演绎历史故事。除了最新的钢琴创作曲,专辑中特别收录白日梦的画作和文字,让你一次拥有 也是前所未有 贴近 白 日 梦 ──
In The Daydream’s music, trees blossom and paintings sing. Are you happy? As well as a pianist, The Daydream is a painter, poet and composer of Chinese descent who lives in Korea. After releasing his first piano album Dreaming, it shot to the top of the Korean music billboard. He has written music for famous Korean TV dramas such as Lovers in Paris and The Age of Innocence. His melodies are warm, poetic and easy to get close to. It’s almost like they contain a magical power that can console the heart, and this has made him the most famous Korean healing pianist in other countries as well as bringing him intense popularity in Asia. The Daydream has been quite active in the art and literary realms in the past few years. His new album, Melody Tree, exhibits a more diverse direction with source material coming from his experiences, his passion for life as well as his observations and imagination of nature. He’s even added in the traditional Korean instrument, the xiqin, in the interpretation of historical stories. Besides his most recent creations on the piano, the album also includes his paintings and writings, giving you a chance to get closer to all aspects of The Daydream as never before.