

漫游在回忆里 / 探寻内心的独白。
「漫游梦里 当活着不相见/便会知 爱记挂每一天」纵使在生命中的轨迹再遇不上梦里想念的人,但他们也教会了我们爱。已经失去的留作回忆。现在拥有的加倍珍惜。

Wandering through memories, exploring the inner monologue.
This song "Memory" tells the story of the protagonist's growing-up memories in the old streets and alleys.
The opening line about narrow streets and alleys instantly evokes the image of ancient cobblestone roads and small shops along the streets in our memories. This warm nostalgia is in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of modern life. But when facing growth and circumstances, who hasn't left their hometown and moved to a distant city? Even if we have gradually moved away from the past, we can still return to that narrow alley, order that bowl of noodles, and say goodbye to the person we once were.
"Wandering in dreams, when we don't meet while alive / we will know, loving and missing every day." Even if we never meet the people we miss in our dreams on the trajectory of life, they have taught us how to love. Keep what's lost as memories. Cherish what we have now even more.
Love every day, and love everyone around you.
