Lords of Torment (Explicit)

Lords of Torment (Explicit)

Resistance, a Belgian extreme metal outfit set out for world domination in July 2004, when the band was founded by Ben (Bass). Initially the band started out as a metal influenced straight forward hardcore band but after several line-up changes and new members bringing new influences to the table, the band turned more and more into the full on death metal beast it is today, with only traces left of their hardcore background. After years of playing shows and building up their name in Belgium and France Resistance released their debut album "Trauma". With this crushing album, released in 2006, the band felt they had finally found the style that fitted them the best and what they believed was to be their musical destiny. 2008 was a significant year in the history of Resistance and this year brought forth more aggression and power, yet also found them incorporating intense melodies to add color and life to their own brand of bludgeoning metal. Songs started drawing influence from a mixture of sub-genres of extreme metal like death and black, but still included influences from their love of hardcore. Bands like Kataklysm, All shall Perish, Despised Icon, Machine Head, Heaven Shall Burn and Meshuggah all became important bands that helped shape their devastating sound."Two Sides Of A Modern World" was their second album and was released via Alveran Records in April 2008. Produced by Xavier Carion (Channel zero) and mastered by Jacob Hansen, this new offering showcased a modern day non-stop raging death metal machine finding it's own sound and primed for destruction! To promote their new album Resistance hit the road with Brazilian metal legends Sepultura and upcoming Death core wizards All Shall Perish and manages to hold their own on stages all across Europe decimating audiences as they go. Resistance once again entered Jonathas studio with Xavier Carion for the recording of their third effort entitled "Lords Of Torment". It was mixed and mastered by J-F Dagenais (Kataklysm, Despised Icon, Misery index) in Montreal, Canada at the end of 2009. With a new label to work with in the name of GSR Music, Resistance look set to release "Lords Of Torment" in early 2010. In January 2010 Resistance will head out for a full European tour with Kataklysm, Belhpegor and Darkest Hour in order to start the promotion of the new album "Lords Of Torment" that will obliterate all in it's path.
