

这位四届格莱美奖得主,R&B音乐教父级人物路德·范德鲁斯 Luther Vandross。几十年来,Luther Vandross 以他的浪漫曲风带给我们许多美妙的音乐,经典曲目包括:《Here and Now》、《Give Me the Reason》、《Never Too Much》、《Dance With My Father》、《Any Love》以及那首与 Janet Jackson 合唱的《Best Things In Life Are Free 》。不幸于 2005 年 7 月 1 日星期五于肯尼迪医疗中心因病去世,才华未尽,享年 54 岁。 在 2004 年的格莱美奖上,一曲《Dance With My Father》感动无数乐迷,令他一举拿下年度最佳单曲、最佳蓝调歌手和最佳蓝调专辑三项大奖。可惜他因健康情况未能出席,以录影带的方式带去了他的祝福和感言:“记住,我一定会再回来的,因为,我相信爱的力量!”这份意志曾打动过不少人的心。 此专集搜集了Luther Vandross的经典。 Luther Vandross was one of the world’s greatest R’N’B and soul singers, selling over 25 million albums and winning an incredible 8 Grammy’s in his lifetime. His death in 2005 left behind a tremendous body of musical work including his first commercial single ‘Never Too Much’ from 1983, which reached Number 13 in the UK charts upon re-release in 1989) as well as over 50 hit singles, including collaborations with not just Mariah Carey, but singers such as Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Dionne Warwick. His music continues to be loved and cherished worldwide.


