Tide Is High

Tide Is High

First off, I'm not German but I live in Germany (in the U.S. Army). I first heard this band on MTV. A video of the song "Dickes-B" off of their recently released CD "New Dubby Conquerors" was my introduction. If you're looking for the CD, good luck. It's been out for several months but so far, it's a no-show. If you can find it, buy it. It's great. The band is extremely talented and utilize numerous musical styles (reggae, dub, rock, soul) to create a unique and very listenable sound. The turntable work and bass lines are amazing. My wife & I especially like playing it whilst cruising down an Autobahn at 100+ MPH. This is one German group that we intend to see in concert. I hope they tour the states, as I'm sure that they could find a following there.
