Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV 75; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, HWV 76
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 1. Overture - Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 2. "T'was at the royal feast" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 3. "Happy, happy, happy pair!" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 4. "Timotheus placed on high" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 5. "The song began from Jove" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 6. "The listening crowd admired the lofty sound" - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 7. "With ravish'd ears" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 8. "The praise of Bacchus then" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 9. "Bacchus, ever fair and young" - 10. "Bacchus's blessings are a treasure" - Konstantin Wolff&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 11. "Soothed with the sound, the king grew vain" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 12. "He chose a mournful Muse" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 13. "He sung Darius, great and good" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 14. "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 15. "Behold Darius great and good" - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 16. "The mighty master smiled to see" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 17. "Softly sweet in Lydian measures" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 18. "War, he sung, is toil and trouble" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 20. "The many rend the skies" - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 19. "The prince, unable to conceal his pain" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 1: 20. "The many rend the skies" (II) - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 21. "Now strike the golden lyre again" - 22. "Break his bond" - 23. "Hark, hark! The horrid sound" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 24. "Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries" - 25. "Behold, a ghastly band" - Konstantin Wolff&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 26. "Give the vengeance due" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 27. "The princes applaud with a furious joy" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 28. "Thaïs led the way" - "The princes applaud" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 29. "Thus long ago" - 30. "At last divine Cecilia came" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 31. "Let old Timotheus yield the price" - Virgil Hartinger&Konstantin Wolff&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Alexander's Feast, HWV. 75 / Part 2: 31. "Let old Timotheus yield the price" (II) - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 1. Overture - Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 2. "From Harmony; When Nature" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 3. "From Harmony, from Heavenly Harmony" - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 4. "What Passion cannot Music Raise and Quell" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 5. "The Trumpet's Loud Clangour" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 6. March - Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 7. "The Soft Complaining Flute" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 8. "Sharp Violins Proclaim their Jealous Pangs" - Virgil Hartinger&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 9. "But Oh! What Art can Teach" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 10. "Orpheus could Lead the Savage Race" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 11. "But Bright Cecilia Raised the Wonder Higher" - Simone Kermes&Collegium Cartusianum&Peter Neumann
Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day, HWV 76: 12. "As from the Power of Sacred Lays" - Collegium Cartusianum&Kölner Kammerchor&Peter Neumann