Music From Siesta

Music From Siesta

This is an incredible 33 minutes plus of some of the moodiest soundtrack music I have ever heard! Descriptions from haunting to melancholy would be understatements. Seeing the actual film beforehand will enhance first time listener's experience as to why the album is such a menagerie of dreamy, ethereal, yet menacing atmospheric feats. This soundtrack will transport the listener to Spain (or even Mexico) in the middle of a steamy summer vacation ! Though I have not listened to Davis' Sketches of Spain from the late 60's, I cannot compare or contrast Siesta to that previous body of work. I can only say that this is Davis never heard like this before !...One footnote: The music may seem playful at times while maintaining it's somber mood; Yet, it is not a soundtrack to be mistaken for "uplifting" pop music.There are no vocals (except for a faint background chorus on a few of the songs).The familiar classical guitar, castanets and Flamenco sound are intertwined with Miles' instrumentation on a few of the tracks...
