Step into the sunshine

Step into the sunshine

Album review Should know better, Amazon
Your probably reading these reviews as, you`ve had the pleasure of hearing a Gary B tune on a Cafe del Mar album and felt the need to seek out more and would like some re-assurance before parting with your hard earned moolah. Well worry not, this is one of the finest collections of laid back tunes you`ve never heard. Think Afterlife, (early) Zero 7, Lenny Ibizarre etc.. and this artist is up there, perfect for late nights & lazy days with not a duff track. So what are you still waiting for? Click & Enjoy

Album Review by Chris Hilkene - Sound Radius
Step into the sunshine is the new release from Gary b (aka Gary Butcher). Living in Ibiza, Spain (producing numerous tracks for the famed Cafe del Mar) Luminous is intimately in tune with the Balearic downtempo style that has emerged there as DJ's try to create moods that capture the Ibiza sunset. In Equilibrium, Luminous meanders through two distinct elements that give sunsets in Ibiza their unique feel. That is the lazy abandonment that comes from a day in the sun coupled with a deep-rooted, passion and pulsing energy (anticipating Ibiza's hot nights). The landscape Equilibrium paints is created by mid-tempo, groove-oriented electronic beats swathed in atmospheric patches accompanied by clean, tasteful guitar and flute highlights. While in tune with the Balearic tradition, the tracks on Equilibrium aren't just standard fare. For example, they don't rely exclusively on sample loops. The moods are crafted by live performances and are structured as complete songs, rather than the typical "build on variations of a theme" approach. The vocal performances are fantastic, thanks to contributions from Julie Harrington (of Pink Floyd fame) and Gary Butcher himself. The single "Love Rain Down" is featured on the new Cafe del Mar 14. "Love Rain Down" and tracks such as "The One I'm Thinking of" and "Life is Beautiful" (my personal fav) can also be heard on SoundRadius.
