For Sleepyheads Only

For Sleepyheads Only

这张有着蔓妙女声,奇异构思,Downtempo风格的唱片绝对是一张Chill-Out的精品,看Amazon的评分投票来看平均分4.5(5分总分)说明代表了广大听众对此专辑的认同,的确12首歌首首好听,其中还有一首歌是翻唱new order的名曲>,但完全是全新演绎。其实我最喜欢的当属>和最后一首>,>听得出相当多的忧郁和无奈成份,演绎得很恰当,很容俘获听众的心灵。>,的确是很有封面的感觉。为这张专辑起到了画龙点睛的作用。(转自网络)Flunk latched onto the Nordic, female-led downbeat boom a bit too late for comfort, and the trio's debut, For Sleepyheads Only, doesn't add much to the canon. The group's stab at an acoustic, evocative cover of New Order's "Blue Monday" is predictably fey, and the rest of the songs amble along with a few shuffling beats, late-night atmospheres, and the wistful vocals of Anja Oyen Vister . Even the titles — "Kebab Shop 3 AM" and "Syrupsniph" — sound more like a Rutles version of contemporary downbeat clubland, minus the humor of course.
