In the absence of you...

In the absence of you...

Auryn began when a young songwriter named Ward Bell met an already successful New Zealand guitar sensation named Justin Tana on a street corner in Los Angeles. After 2 successful years of blowing up the scene in all the regular LA mainstays, the two decided to take Auryn back to it's midwest roots in the late fall of 2002.

Six months later they were the largest drawing unsigned band in Southwest Ohio, opening for most of the national acts that come through the area.


I grew up here.., so I have to honor it for what it is...., a place where I learned how to write a song.., often by releasing them full of imperfections.., and where I learned how to touch people.., often by hurting them in the process...

When I think of Auryn I think of unharnessed and improperly channelled passion.., I think of the energy and mistakes of youth. And I smile at my eagerness for drinking in every experience that was set before me.

In Auryn I leapt into fights with those who dared to hate me.., and jumped into bed with those who dared to love me. Constantly searching for validation.., for an assurance on the outside that could only come from within.

Auryn lived a life of poverty. There was never money for decent instruments or a budget to record with sonic quality. There was only the desperate vision of four guys who managed to thrive on emotion, will power, and persistance long after their own differences should have put them to rest.

Auryn died in late January of 2005 after a long battle with soul cancer. It was tradgically sad but a relief for those who had loved her the most.

It is said that when spirit closes a door, some where she opens a window.
You can look through the window if you so desire at or

But please don't feel like you must.... For many of us this was far enough.

Ward Bell
