Who Am I? I Am The Black Moses

Who Am I? I Am The Black Moses


Born June 17, 1984 out of wedlock and raised on Post Rd, Glory Boy (a.k.a. Jeffrey Faulkner) was introduced into the world. With a shy and timid background that completely changes when on stage, a call to be a light in a dark world was made known. Glory Boy’s aim, none the less, is the streets. The ignorant yet knowing people, whose ways are contradictory to the way we were created to be, bring forth a call. A call to be a light and affect change in the way people live. Most people in the world are ignorant to what is really going on so Glory Boy brings a style that is compelling enough to draw them in to think. To think about what is really going on. To ask the question, why am I here for? What is my purpose for living?

With his controversial style that is on the edge at times, Glory Boy uses subliminal messages. A method, often times is categorized with negative annotations, which catches people at first, and then causes people to think and draw them in. Songs such as “Hands Up”, “I Need a Freak”, and “Swagger”, Glory Boy leads the people one way then catches them with the real reason behind the song. This way has proven to be effective for Glory Boy’s aim.

The release of his debut album “Who Am I?”, “I Am the Black Moses” he shows himself in many different ways. He expresses things not spoken to people but relayed in the only way he knows how, music. The song “Take a Ride” he displays his life growing up as child. He goes through and explains some of the things he didn’t understand when younger, now understanding because he grew up.

Glory Boy indeed is a Forerunna. One who will go before and set a path for the One who is coming.


