Nightstead / Mirage

Nightstead / Mirage

Summer (Brendon Collins) & Swyft swoop down from the looming cliffs and drop another gleaming gem into the gardens titled Nightstead / Mirage. The flowerbomb thuds against the soil and ignites the blue and green tulips growing peacefully nearby. Sparks burst in fiery fits of reds, oranges, and yellows just as dusk overtakes the landscape. These balls of brilliant light call forth the alluring sounds of hypnotica often found in the Tulipa realm. The animals react by encircling the gardens and performing a dance for lovers of deeply underground electronic music.

Strapped in voracity. The whistling agent. Passing through the softest times. A capsizing sprinkler. The undulating chords swam laps around my heart. Wilting ideas of being in a mire. The girl versus twenty harmonicas, a liter of juice, and a crisp blanket. Treated silhouette. From brotherly love to sisterly adventure. The shocking tale cloaked town sanctuaries. A melon-colored serpent fell victim to fantasy. Yeasty soup. Prancing through the fried
