

来自马里兰州的Good Charlotte,成军也已进入第十个年头,曾赢得加拿大Much Music音乐奖“最佳国际团体”与MTV录影带音乐奖“观众票选最爱”,宣染出一片年轻旺盛的气焰,并迅速成为年轻学子疯狂追逐的焦点。
主唱Joel及吉他手Benji Madden这对双胞胎兄弟,自小就对音乐有着浓厚兴趣,他们每天都花上好几个小时在演唱和创作音乐上。他们与贝斯手Paul Thomas、鼓手Aaron Escolopio共同创作表演,之后吉他手Billy Martin加入团中,Good Charlotte终告成立。这支名字来自某本儿童读物的乐队开始闯荡乐坛,于2000年推出首张同名专辑,赢取一张金唱片。接着于2002年发行《The Young And The Hopeless》,两年后发行《The Chronicles Of Life And Death》,光在美国销售就加总突破四百万张。如今的Good Charlotte,不再是过去困苦的小孩,他们已然是富有知名的摇滚明星。但是这一切荣耀光彩的景况并不代表了他们已经忘记来时路,忘记自己的根本。他们此刻更是努力在他们的音乐事业上,让他们的梦想能够永久持续下去。他们仍旧坚持于他们固有的流行朋克风格,在自己的最新专辑中加入了更多流行元素,并被赋予了富有冒险、意想不到等诸多定义。
Cardiology is the fifth album by pop punk band Good Charlotte. After various updates and uncertainty, it was finally announced the album would be released on November 2, 2010 through Capitol Records. Certain disruptions in the release involve the decision to re-record the entire album.

On December 3, 2008, Kerrang! magazine announced that Good Charlotte would be releasing their fifth studio album, Cardiology in 2009. The title of which, according to Benji Madden, comes from the lyrical content of the album, which he explained: "all is connected to the heart". At the time, Madden also added that they had already written 20 songs for the album, and are said to be heading back to their pop-punk roots.

Describing the sound to MTV news, Joel Madden said "There's nothing dance-y on the record, though, at all, which is different from our last one," ] further implying a movement away from the sound of Good Morning Revival.
