Mode Part 3

Mode Part 3

GF024 - George F - Mode EP Part 3 (Dark Mode)

The 3rd and last part of the Mode EP siries
that bring back the smashing release from April last year with 5 bonus remixes in different genres.
Another great one from George F who is massivley pumpin up.

Release date : Jan 26th 2009

1. Original Mode mix
George F brings back one of his masterpieces. Dark Mode plus remixes is a 6 pieces EP that will strike the dance floors in a global scale. The original is fat and sounds just like it can fit in any club or party. I just can't get enough of this.

2. Truati Remix
Another Brazilian connection on this remix. Truati presents a solid minimal techno track using some of the sounds from the original Dark Mode. A very nice and deep guitar chord leads the way for a down tunnel journey. An epic soundscape and attitude for this remix which peaks up around 5 minutes!

3. Svetlio Remix
The Bulgarian producer releases another one for GF Recordings. Svetlio added so many new sounds and ideas to this remix that it sounds
