Music is My Weapon

Music is My Weapon

Kidd Kaos - Music Is My Weapon(ASYS & Shockforce Remixes)
I Am The Floor Controller, Music Is My Weapon, I Control The Sound, You Control Your Body!! Now is the time for the ASYS & Shockforce remixes of the hard and melodic anthem that is Music Is My Weapon. The original produced by Kidd Kaos was brought to you earlier in year on K405 and received massive support all across the board. Having Radio 1 one support from Kutski and gaining DJ support from Lisa Lashes, Alex Kidd, ASYS and Organ Donors.
Now with two brand new remixes M.I.M.W. is set to smash floors again and again, around the world and beyond. The ASYS remix (Germany) is is the nastier of the two offering a heavily distorted bass riff and insane programming, the main drop leaves the crowd in a frenzy with insanely huge lead programming! The Shockforce remix (UK) offers a classic hard trance alternative, bringing in huge melodic work and introducing and a massive hard trance style lead melody. Together as a package both remixes along with the original are set too cause some serious vibrations!!
