ITZY,10月15日发行迷你专辑《GOLD》和主打歌《GOLD》、《Imaginary Friend》!
- 匠心独运的ITZY新专辑《GOLD》,出道以来首次发行双主打!
- 同名主打歌《GOLD》,强劲的Vocal Shouting & 强烈Rapping!ITZY独有的酷飒魅力!
- 新歌《Imaginary Friend》,清甜的和声和激发想象力的歌词!
- 《VAY (Feat. Changbin of Stray Kids)》,Stray Kids成员Changbin参与制作并Featuring!
ITZY于10月15日发行迷你专辑《GOLD》和主打歌《GOLD》、《Imaginary Friend》!
2019年2月12日,凭借单曲专辑《IT'z Different》和主打歌《DALLA DALLA》如彗星般出现在歌谣界的ITZY,以雄厚的实力、强劲的表演和多样的魅力俘获了歌迷们的心,展现了作为“K-POP第四代代表女团”的存在感。最近,ITZY举行了世界巡回演唱会《ITZY 2ND WORLD TOUR
新专辑《GOLD》以“Our World is still different”为主题,讲述了如同专辑名一样灿烂夺目的ITZY的故事和音乐。ITZY以积极向上的能量、独树一帜的概念构筑了组合的独特色彩,将“我们依然不同,未来也会持续不同”的专辑传达的信息融入到了各种视觉中。在预告片里,五位成员展现了脱离典型模板的面貌,最大化地展示了她们的独特性。预告照也以大胆、独特的造型和非凡的气势,淋漓尽致地展现了ITZY的音乐色彩和个性。
此专辑是出道以来首次发行双主打歌的专辑。新专辑同名主打歌《GOLD》,将遇见“你”以后“我”的世界完全颠倒的那一刻感受到的激动心情和陌生感觉比喻为光彩夺目的“GOLD”。歌曲将强烈的电吉他声、Groovy的鼓声、808贝斯声和谐地融合在一起,突出展现了强劲的Vocal Shouting和魅力十足的说唱。《GOLD》MV讲述了寻找黄金的人们被比黄金更耀眼的ITZY所吸引的故事,且MV巧妙地为现实世界添加了非现实世界的元素,呈现出了与众不同的魅力。
另一首主打歌《Imaginary Friend》是一首复古的流行吉他、Acoustic的Band Sound、清甜的和声相融合的流行舞曲。有一天,出现在幻想中并说要守护“我”、给予“我”力量的“TA”,是天使还是恶魔,还是“我”自己。界限模糊的歌词激发了听众们的想象力,提高了聆听的趣味性。
新专辑收录了双主打歌和收录曲《Bad Girls R Us》、《Supernatural》、纪念出道5周年的粉丝颂《FIVE》、Stray Kids成员Changbin参与合作的《Feat. Changbin of Stray Kids)》、用5名成员的声音制作的上一张专辑的歌曲《BORN TO BE》、《UNTOUCHABLE》、《Mr. Vampire》、《Dynamite》、《Escalator》等共计11首歌曲。K-POP热门歌曲制造者Ryan S. Jhun、曾与众多流行歌手合作过的美国著名制作人Dem Jointz、人气作词家Jo Yoon Kyung和Bang Hye Hyun等著名创作团队参与了专辑制作,提高了专辑的完成度。特别是第6首歌,Stray Kids成员Changbin参与歌曲制作和演唱,与ITZY产生了奇妙的音乐化学反应。
Lyrics by 라이언전, Seon, Y0UNG, Eeeee
Composed by 라이언전, Dwayne “Dem Jointz” Abernathy Jr., Jen DeCilveo, 8AE, Bailey Flores, Stan Greene
Arranged by 라이언전, Dem Jointz
Original publisher Dem Jointz Music/Kobalt Music Publishing (BMI), You know What The Fuck It Is Publishing/ UNRESTRICTED PUB/EVERY DAYS A GOOD DAY AT ARKETEK/Pulse Worldwide. Administered worldwide by Concord Music Publishing. (SESAC), Bailey Flores Publishing (BMI), Copyright Control
Sub publisher Fujipacific Music Korea, EKKO Music Rights, Copyright Control
Vocal directed by 라이언전
Background vocals by PERRIE
Programming by 라이언전, Dem Jointz
Digital edited by YUE, 임찬미, 김갑수 at JYPE Studio, 김민희 @ 821 Sound
Recorded by 엄세희, 임찬미, 곽보은, 이창훈 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Alawn @Alawn Music Studios
2. Imaginary Friend *TITLE
Lyrics by 라이언전
Composed by 라이언전, James Daniel Lewis, Sorana Pacurar
Arranged by 라이언전, James Daniel Lewis, Jun Seo, Hwan Yang
Original publisher Tileyard Music Publishing/Sentric Music, Artist 101 Publishing Group administered by Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd (KMP), Copyright Control
Sub publisher EKKO Music Right, Copyright Control
Vocal directed by 라이언전
Background vocals by PERRIE, Sorana Pacurar
Programming by 라이언전, James Daniel Lewis, Jun Seo, Hwan Yang
Digital edited by YUE, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio, 김민희 @ 821 Sound
Recorded by 엄세희, 임찬미, 곽보은 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Alawn @Alawn Music Studios
3. Bad Girls R Us
Lyrics by 조윤경
Composed by Jason Suwito, Alexandra Maria Veltri, Noémie Legrand
Arranged by Jason Suwito
Original publisher CTGA, Noise Coalition / WC Music Corp, Alexandra Veltri Publishing, Seven Peaks Music, obo Itself and Bebé Dior
Sub publisher UMPG, Copyright Control
Guitar by Jason Suwito
Bass guitar by Jason Suwito
Piano by Jason Suwito
Synths by Jason Suwito
Programming by Jason Suwito
Produced by Jason Suwito
Engineered by Jason Suwito
Vocal directed by Kriz
Background vocals by Alexandra Veltri, Noémie Legrand, PERRIE
Digital edited by 엄세희, 구혜진 at JYPE Studio
Recorded by 서은일 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by 엄세희 at JYPE Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
这一首是融合了House Beat和Country Guitar的舞曲,独特的器乐声极具魅力。歌曲传达了“我”追随自己的内心并只做自己想做的事,因此了人们对“我”产生了偏见,但在这偏见背后,却刻画了“我”珍惜真实自我的意志。
4. Supernatural
Lyrics by 방혜현, 문설리
Composed by Jack Brady, Jordan Roman, Austin Wolfe, Sofia Quinn
Arranged by The Wavys
Original publisher Orange Music Publishing, Inc (BMI), Administered by Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing (BMI), Seven Summits Music / Sofia Snice 96 Publishing, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Sony Music Publishing, SONY/ATV, UMPG, Copyright Control
Guitar by The Wavys
Drum programming by The Wavys
Keyboard by The Wavys
Background vocals by Jack Brady, Jordan Roman, Austin Wolfe, Sofia Quinn, 경다솜
Vocal directed by 경다솜
Vocal edited by The Wavys
Digital edited by 김갑수 at JYPE Studio
Recorded by 곽보은 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by 최혜진 at JYPE Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
Lyrics by 명혜인 (INHOUSE), 송유 (INHOUSE)
Composed by Kobee (Melange / INHOUSE), Holy M (Melange / INHOUSE), VOLL (INHOUSE), EZIT (INHOUSE), Arineh Karimi, Jonna Hall
Arranged by Kobee (Melange / INHOUSE), Holy M (Melange / INHOUSE), VOLL (INHOUSE), EZIT (INHOUSE)
Original publisher INHOUSE Publishing, Cosmos Music Publishing
Sub publisher INHOUSE Publishing, Warner Chappell Music Korea Inc.
Drums by Kobee
Synths by EZIT
Bass by Holy M
Guitar by VOLL
Vocal directed by Kobee (Melange/INHOUSE)
Vocal edited by Kobee (Melange/INHOUSE)
Background vocals by C'SA
Recorded by 구혜진, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Kobee (Melange/INHOUSE) at Kobee Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
这是一首Miami Bass体裁的流行舞曲。与柔和的合成器声形成鲜明对比的后吟唱部分的转换,增加了多样的聆听感受。歌曲讲述了“我们”经历了很多阶段成为了一个完整的“我们”,未来“我们”也要一起继续前进的故事。
6. VAY (Feat. Changbin of Stray Kids)
Lyrics by 창빈 (3RACHA)
Composed by 창빈 (3RACHA), RESTART, 채강해
Arranged by RESTART, 채강해
Original publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Copyright Control
Sub publisher JYP Publishing (KOMCA), Sony Music Publishing, MUSIC CUBE, INC.
All Instrumentals by RESTART, 채강해
Vocal edited by RESTART, 채강해
Vocal directed by 창빈 (3RACHA), RESTART
Background vocals by 창빈 (3RACHA)
Digital edited by RESTART
Recorded by 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by 윤원권 at MadMiiX
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
这是一首突显低沉的贝斯和合成器声音的嘻哈体裁的歌曲。与干练的hook、重击感强的歌声形成对比的余白令人印象深刻。将“Way”(意为道路)和“V”(“W”的一半)组合起来命名的“VAY”,蕴含着“我们一直在不停地奔跑,但还没有到达道路半程,因此我们将继续向前奔跑。”的决心。Stray Kids成员Changbin参与制作并featuring,与ITZY展现出独特的协同效应。
7. BORN TO BE (Final Ver.)
Lyrics by Noday
Composed by Arineh Karimi, Gusten Dahlqvist
Arranged by Gusten Dahlqvist
Original publisher Cosmos Music Publishing, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Music Cube, Copyright Control
Production and All Instrumentals by Gusten Dahlqvist
Vocal directed by Noday
Background vocals by PERRIE
Digital edited by YUE, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Recorded by 구혜진, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by 이태섭, 최혜진 at JYPE Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
前作《BORN TO BE》的开场曲,蕴含着想要在自由世界里按照自身意愿前进的抱负。这是一首充满活力的电子舞曲,如同歌词“Born to be wild and free”,传达了不带有任何谎言和修饰的表达自己、勇往直前并超越自身极限的信息。
8. UNTOUCHABLE (Final Ver.)
Lyrics by 방혜현, 이스란
Composed by Maria Marcus, Zarah Christenson, Tobias Näslund
Arranged by Tobias Näslund
Original publisher Cosmos Music Publishing, Playground Music, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Sony Music Publishing, Music Cube, Copyright Control
Production and All Instrumentals by Tobias Näslund
Vocal directed by Kobee
Background vocals by PERRIE
Digital edited by 구혜진, 서은일 at JYPE Studio, 정은경, 여민수 @Ingrid Studio, Kobee (Melange/INHOUSE)
Recorded by 구혜진, 서은일 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Tony Maserati and David K. Younghyun at Chapel Swing Studios, Valley Glen.
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
这是一首流行舞曲,强烈而又规律的Girl Crush吉他声突显了中速EDM的特点及强劲的副歌。在充满重量感和活力的节奏中,唱出了“让我们‘一起’面对周围世界的无数冲突和困难”的信念。
9. Mr. Vampire (Final Ver.)
Lyrics by 서지음
Composed by Kobee (Melange / INHOUSE), Holy M (Melange / INHOUSE), EZIT (INHOUSE), Noémie Legrand, Sofia Quinn
Arranged by Melange (INHOUSE), EZIT (INHOUSE)
Original publisher INHOUSE Publishing, Seven Peaks Music / Bébé Dior, Seven Summits Music / Sofia Since 96 Publishing, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Warner Chappell Music Korea Inc., Universal Music Publishing, Copyright Control
Drums by Kobee
Synths by EZIT
Bass by Holy M
Vocal directed by Kobee, Holy M, EZIT
Background vocals by C'SA
Digital edited by Kobee
Recorded by 엄세희, 서은일 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Kobee
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
10. Dynamite (Final Ver.)
Lyrics by Noday
Composed by Kobee (Melange / INHOUSE), Holy M (Melange / INHOUSE), VOLL (INHOUSE), Noémie Legrand, Sofia Quinn
Arranged by Melange (INHOUSE), VOLL (INHOUSE)
Original publisher INHOUSE Publishing, Seven Peaks Music / Bébé Dior, Seven Summits Music / Sofia Since 96 Publishing, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Warner Chappell Music Korea Inc., Universal Music Publishing, Copyright Control
Drums by Kobee
Bass by Holy M
Synths by VOLL
Vocal directed by Kobee, VOLL
Background vocals by PERRIE
Digital edited by Kobee
Recorded by 구혜진, 서은일 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by Stay Tuned at Stay Tuned Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
如同歌词“寻找真实自我,引爆内在的潜在力”,歌曲触动着聆听者的心。一旦点燃就会像无法控制的“Dynamite”一样,让我们与ITZY一起点燃从未向别人展示过的热情吧!以Miami Bass和HipHop体裁为基础,独特Pluck声、低沉的贝斯声、ITZY成员们干练的歌声扩大了歌曲的愉快氛围感。
11. Escalator (Final Ver.)
Lyrics by 이토르
Composed by G'harah 'PK' Degeddingseze, Tricia Battani
Arranged by G'harah 'PK' Degeddingseze, Tricia Battani
Original publisher Milesetta Lake Music / Sundae Songs, TCBMusic / AMPLIFIED Corporation, Copyright Control
Sub publisher Sony Music Publishing Korea, AMPLIFIED Corporation, Copyright Control
All Instrumentals by G’harah ‘PK’ Degeddingseze
Vocal directed by Noday
Background vocals by PERRIE
Digital edited by YUE, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Recorded by 구혜진, 임찬미 at JYPE Studio
Mixed by 김갑수 at JYPE Studio
Mastered by 권남우 @ 821 Sound Mastering
这是一首Arena Hyperpop风格的歌曲,独特而又华丽的人声效果倍增歌曲魅力。将ITZY向着更高的目标去挑战、去奔跑的面貌比作“Escalator”,即使可能面临失败,也会以此作为垫脚石,永不放弃继续前行,展示了ITZY的无限可能性和自信感。