

Alter Ego Records veteran Kenneth Thomas teams up with sing-stress Molly Bancroft for the highly addictive Hiding grabbing release ninety-two on the main imprint!

A production which has a whole lot to offer supplying an abundance of energy, drive and emotion! We also have two great remixes to boot from from Israeli producer Gal Abutbul and Ion Blue.

The original encompasses everything you would expect from a Kenneth Thomas production, warm, deep and evocative sounds that go bang on the dance floor! Molly Bancroft puts the icing on the cake with her gorgeous and very distinctive vocal tones. A true singalong vocal line coupled with a theme that will leave you breathless, don't miss this one!

Gal grabs first spot on the flip with his superb big room and progressive mixes, using the vocal and melodic elements to perfection! Adding orchestral fused breakdowns with great piano lines and big room drums before doing a back flip unleashing carnage in the climax! Captivating sounds from the rising Israeli sta
