The Great Conductors: Wilhelm Schüchter – Proms Night at the F.F.B

The Great Conductors: Wilhelm Schüchter – Proms Night at the F.F.B

Proms Night at F.F.B. Radio! - The Orchestra of the French Forces in Berlin was one of the most versatile orchestras that was active in Berlin from the early Nineteen Fifties until the end of the cold war with a very big repertoire ranging from film music to light symphonic entertainment up to the great works of the classical genre. And when such an orchestra meets a conductor as well versatile we can expect a great concert à la proms. Wilhelm Schüchter was one of the most prolific conductors of his time specialising in opera, operetta and symphonical works. He was well established as a perfect "allrounder" whou could conduct almost "everything". Thus to include him in our "Great Conductors" Collection is more than justified. All tracks have been carefully remastered in 24 Bit High Definition.
