Reichardt: Die Geisterinsel

Reichardt: Die Geisterinsel

“The Geisterinsel is a masterpiece of poetry and language: nothing more musical could be imagined.” This positive judgment pronounced by Goethe in 1798 was seconded by Duke Carl August, the ruling prince in Saxe-Weimar, when he wrote in 1801 that there was “really beautiful music” in this stage work. Both men were championing a singspiel in three acts premiered at the National Theater in Berlin on 6 July 1798 and performed fifty-five more times at this house until 1825. The authors of this successful work were the Gotha-born Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter and Friedrich Hildebrand of Einsiedel and its composer was the Königsberg native Johann Friedrich Reichardt. After a short phase as a brilliant violin virtuoso Reichardt, who was influenced by the philosophy of the Enlightenment, became a pathbreaking “thinking artist” who soon met with recognition in various European countries as a composer and versatile writer active in many fields. With simple means Reichardt’s music seeks, in keeping with the particular situat


