Songs Of My Heart

Songs Of My Heart

A beautiful Fairy Strolls Singing through the flowers a song in her heart and a bounce in her step. Figure stands about 5" tall. Songs Of My Heart Fairy Faeries are most likely found in forests, meadowlands, near streams and brooks, caves, jungles, and parks. Signs that a faerie may be near include the following: feeling as if someone is watching you when you see no one there, feeling as if an insect is touching you when it appears that there isn't one there, a wonderful fragrance, hushed giggling, distant glowing objects. Faerie rings usually consist of mushrooms or rocks in a circle. Faerie rings are places where faeries rejoice and dance in circles when no one else is around. It is said that if a human steps into their circle, he or she will be forced to dance with the faeries. It will only seem like minutes have passed by, but in human years the enslavement has taken place for three to seven years. A friend may be of help, however, if they reach in and pull the person out without stepping into the circle.
