Haydn: Die Schöpfung, Hob. XXI:2 (Live)
HAYDN FROM THE PLACE WHERE HE SOUNDS MOST VIENNESE: LET THERE BE LIGHT! To launch their current 18–19 concert season in the Wiener Musikverein, the Tonkunstler Orchestra celebrated nothing less than «The Creation» itself. Now, with their recording of the po-pular oratorio by Joseph Haydn, they are releasing one more vocal-symphonic work on their own label – only a few months after publishing Leonard Bernstein’s third symphony, «Kaddish». Together with the RIAS Chamber Choir, the soprano Christina Landshamer, tenor Maximilian Schmitt and baritone Jochen Schmeckenbecher, «The Creation» was recorded live in 2018 under the baton of Music Director Yutaka Sado in the Wiener Musikverein. The venue is only a few minutes’ walk from the former Stadtpalais Schwarzenberg in the Neuer Markt in Vienna, where Joseph Haydn’s German-language oratorio was premiered in 1798. Structured in three parts, it takes as its subject the Creation of the world. In the solo parts, archangels tell the story and comment on the six days of the Creation; Adam and Eve also have their say. Meanwhile, the orchestra paints the primordial chaos, the first sunrise and the appearance of life on earth.