

《X档案》(The X-Files)是1990年代走红于美国海内外的电视科幻电视系列剧,制作人是克里斯·卡特(Chris Carter)。1993年9月10日于福克斯电视台首播第一季,2002年5月19日播毕9季后结束;1998年拍摄了一部同名电影,至2008年,电视版结束了6年后,再次拍摄了另一部同名电影。本剧商业上十分成功,在评论界的口碑也很好,立刻吸引了庞大的影迷群体。

by Bret Love
Soundtracks were originally meant to be integral elements in creating a movie's mood, not merely a film studio's desperate attempt to recoup expenses by selling what essentially amounts to product placement to the highest record company bidder. That said, neo-classical composer Mark Snow, who also writes all of the TV show's incidental music, has concocted a dynamic soundtrack that captures the suspenseful drama and harrowing emotional tension that made The X-Files one of the hottest pop culture phenomena of the '90s. In Snow's hands, the orchestra becomes a living, breathing thing, pulsating with an almost alien life force that's nearly as creepy as the film these songs were written to accompany. Though not quite as modern as his more ambient work on the show, Snow's powerful score is a brilliant piece of work that establishes him as the rightful heir to John Williams' throne.


