The Intimate Thing

The Intimate Thing

Vanita and Douglas Greed do have the bass on their side. ‚The Intimate Thing‘ EP is spearheaded by Vanita’s ‚Nightingale‘, a track containing complexly layered synths stepping out one after another. Therefore tension is built up which dissolves into deep energy. ‚The Thing‘ pushes a more demanding saw synth with hard mid to lower frequencies thus an acidic and raving vibe is created. Douglas Greed used a cleaner approach to place the bass. In ‚Exosia‘ crying pads and basses are standing out and create an atmospheric sound of eastern 60s space travel. ‚Intimate‘ is a complete load of pleasantly rattling bass in your ear. In combination with howling atmos, incognizable vocals and a slow theremin style synth you are pushed into a calm version of nostalgic retro future.
