The Irish Collection

The Irish Collection

just a little about me and what I do.Born in Londonderry Northern Ireland Relocated these days to Minnesota USA,I started my musical adventure so long ago it's darn near the year 1 LOL. Got my first guitar at the tender age of 14 almost drove my family insane till I learned to play it.But heck my Mom bought it to me so she only had herself to blame. Well practised hard almost every spare minute usually confined to the bathroom ( acoustics were better LOL) though it caused a few problems when someone had to go cause oft times I was singing and strumming so loud I didnt hear the agonising cries outside the door.I sounded a bit like the proverbial banshee wailing back then in fact me & the cat sang harmonies. By 19 I was out there doing my Thang on the pub and club circuit earning a crust or two and picking up all the playing tips I could from my peers this stood me in good stead for future years where I toured extensively all around Europe in Country & Country Rock bands life was good tiring but good, then I go
