Namasté 2014
Luc Forlorn was born and raised in the North West of England some time in the last century. He developed a love of music from a very young age, spending his pocket money on all the vinyl he could afford, building a library that made him the envy of all his friends. As a young Art School student in a very laid back and bohemian environment he and his peers where allowed the privilege of "playing records" in the school recreational area at lunchtimes. It was here for one wonderful hour each schoolday he could always be found, controlling the lunch break music selections and manning the deck (yes, singular back in those days!).
Fast forward a decade, and he is a young adult and now one half of a popular and fairly successful duo DJing mainly in and around the North West. He's still controlling the music, only now there are two decks. It's all Dance and House; this is a time before the term 'Chillout' has even been coined.
Then came along the CD format and with it single releases that would contain fiv