No Refunds

No Refunds

Don Hooper and Steve Beckwith play a cross between Louisiana/ Texas and upstate New York style folk/country. Vocally, Hooper has a Johhny Cash/Willie Nelson style and Beckwith a Chris Smither/Jerry Jeff Walker style. While Don flat-picks and finger-picks, Steve weaves through each song with intricate lead riffs.

Congratulations on GrIndie Award
"RadioIndy is proud to present Hooper & Beckwith a GrIndie Award for their CD "No Refunds." A GrIndie Award is RadioIndy's stamp of approval that this CD is an excellent quality CD. Please join us in congratulating this artist on this accomplishment.
Impressive album featuring memorable lyrics"
- Eric and The Reviewer Team

"If there’s anything Willie Nelson taught us, it’s that down-on-your-luck tales put to rootsy Americana by hapless outlaws make for a solid country tune. Hooper and Beckwith blend Nelson-style country music with yankee folk-rock flare on No Refunds, the Shrewsbury-based duo’s latest release. Songs with choruses that reminds us “It ai
