Old Friends and New Songs
Old Friends and New Songs
The original concept of this CD was to simply provide a pleasing forum for exposing the song writing skill of Jim Cook and Ralph Dennington to the public. Jim and Ralph have been collaborating on various music projects for over twenty years. As each developed a storyline or concept the other would help refine the music or words until these new songs developed their own individuality while still reflecting the combined personality of these two old friends.
Each song on the album has been treated as an individual, stand alone, work. The musical arrangements were designed to best represent the sentiment and feeling of the writers and bring out the range of emotion that these songs portray. Songs like Front Porch Swing and Fat Back Willy reflect the mountain roots of both Jim and Ralph while Old Friend and Grandpa's Sermon open a portal into deeper emotions. On the light side Six Times a Woman brings out their often bizarre since of humor. (No it was not written about any woman we actu