More Than Connected

More Than Connected

Really there are few small bands I know of who put actual work into what they do like this - without any of that postmodern haught, cynicism, and general pettiness. I do not mean this as flattery: What I find unique about this music is that it owns up to itself, takes itself seriously without shame, refuses to shirk to the crass self-irony of many small bands while at the same time being authentic in that... It works in its deliverance, is not clownish like some attempts at serious music, but actually is able to answer for the aroma of our self-ironic, cynical world without being devoured by it. A true successor to the great tradition of (revitalized) American folk (i.e. weavers, etc.).

- Tito Fan

"Tito makes the music I need to hear; deep meaning delivered with tight harmonies. I always feel a little better after listening to this group perform."

— Dennis Bernstein, KPFA Radio Host - Flashpoints (July25th, 2015)
