

"... has mastered the art of mainstream rock ... deftly rendered lyrics are always couched within well crafted arrangements."
- Steve Forstneger / Illinois Entertainer

"What The Crossing do so well is create big time riffs that soar from your speakers and delight the senses. Vocally they are powerful and clear but hiding away just out of a sight a small element of grime to keep them just on the right side of naughty. Everything with this band flows nicely into the next item and that makes for damn good listening."
- Evil Inquisition Magazine

"... can bridge the generational gap with hooks, passion and beauty." – State of emergency.net

"... universal lyric wrapped in really nice vocals and music... an honesty in (the) music which really elevates..."

"The Crossing have their own sounds that are as intricate and Technicolor as their album art and something that should not be passed by. This is one of those rare CD’s where there is something to please any music fan that appreciates quality at its hi
