Almost 2000

Almost 2000

My goal with ALMOST 2000 was to create the type of album I would enjoy listening to, one with craftsmanship, emotion, and variety. Recorded on my laptop over several years, I am eager to share my first recording venture. Below are my notes for each song.

REHEARSAL: The most nontraditional track on the album, this song barrels through swirling vocal overdubs, off-kilter time signatures, and contrasting styles to its conclusion, where the truth about a particular type of relationship is summarized.

THROW IT OUT: I wrote this song in response to the increased public awareness of bullying in schools. It's something I endured, and I hope every adult strives to eliminate this from our children's lives.

DON'T BE SO HARD: I often see people, especially men, respond to life's trials and tribulations by steeling themselves, adopting a stony face, and shutting down their emotions. This song is a plea to those who default to a closed-off stoicism; you may protect yourself from pain, but you also miss out on wond
