Diary Of A Dreamer (1996)

Diary Of A Dreamer (1996)

Michael Behm’s

“Diary Of a Dreamer” was released in Japan in 1996 is a very rare CD and not available anywhere else in the world other than second had copies. “Diary Of a Dreamer” was the second studio album From Michael Behm and featured Michael’s friend, Englishman "Steve Morris" on slide guitar on some very timless and beautiful tracks.
Michael says, “I was totally out of step with the tail end of grundge and was creating music I felt connected to.

Michael stresses, “my music has a very European feel to it.” Such belief is bolstered by a review on www.melodic.net, in which Swedish music journalist Par Winberg termed his music “well-produced smart power-pop in the same school as Owsley, Jellyfish, and The Grays. Michael Behm stands safe on his own two legs and I’m very impressed.”

Notlame Music wrote,
The signposts of the sounds here will be familiar to many Not Lamers - Jason Falkner, Owsley, The Grays, The Rembrandts, Mike Viola and The Candy Butchers, Bleu and Jim Boggia. LISTEN to the soundbites o
