Windows & Walls

Windows & Walls

"Windows & Walls" is Tom Taylor's first album of all-new material since "Taking Me Back" in 2012. It has quite a history: it was originally intended for release on the seventh anniversary of his first album, on April 18, 2015. Tom signed a recording contract with Australia's Downunder Label Group that Spring, and much to his dismay, they rejected the album. It had been "shelved" with the intent of recording a more commercially viable album. This never came to fruition, as they parted ways in just a matter of months. Tom resumed work on the album to release it under his own imprint, TTM Records. The original version of the album contained only 11 songs, two of which were omitted from the final version. The newly expanded album contains 15 tracks, and clocks in at 63 minutes. Tom wrote the title track for persecuted Christians around the world, which corresponds with the album photography. Other highlights include the Brandon Bee produced "To Be Free," first released on Downunder Label Group's "D7" compilation. "I'm Missing You" is a piano/Spanish guitar ballad, and one of Tom's very favorite original compositions. "Choir of Angels" is an upbeat and hopeful glimpse of heaven, and "I Am Here" is like a love letter from Jesus. Other ballads include the Neil Young influenced "In My Life," and "Rebecca's Ballad," which echoes the love songs of both The Beatles and The Beach Boys. Tom's most unique track thus far is most likely the East Indian-style "Yīśu Bacātā Hai (Jesus Saves)." It features a sitar-like guitar tuning and virtual Indian instrumentation. It was heavily influenced by George Harrison's Indian compositions during his tenure with The Beatles, but with a straightforward gospel message. "Windows & Walls" is one of Tom's finest albums, and showcases his growth both as a songwriter, and as an independent artist and musician.
