Integration (Deluxe)
What sort of music do you make?
It always has to involve something that expands me musically. With the album I just finished, the 1st song contains the sound of a tap dripping in reverse & a glass cup, spinning around. The 2nd features orchestral arrangements, the 3rd is extremely electronic & upbeat. Basically, I want to make music that catches your attention & keeps you guessing. Which involves lots of hours at a computer, programming, but I like it that way.
- Newcastle Mirage (www.newcastlemirage.com)
Tim is a young musician from Newcastle/Australia who has just released his debut album Integration. Musically, the songs are the result of an intensive classical training combined with the desire to experiment with sound and structure. Not exactly an easy listening, but rewarding if you give it the attention it requires. Lyrically, it’s a deeply personal album as Tim states on his Soundcloud profile:
“Integration was first started as a way to keep myself busy after a break up. I found that working kept me sane and gave me something to fill the space that had just been made. It ended up as a well rounded album, I got to move on from things I needed to, and also create a body of work that I was proud of.”
- www.findasongblog.com
Bio: His music studies began at age 6 when his mum taught him to play piano.
He studied classical from age 6 until around age 18, when he did a year of dance training & after that left dancing to do production and songwriting.
He started writing songs around age 13. At age 14 his dad got him a small recording program on an old computer and everything went from there.
He is very thankful for his parents input, he wouldn’t be writing or producing music if it wasn’t for them.