Kiddin' (From: The Kiddin' Me  -  To: The Kiddin' You!)

Kiddin' (From: The Kiddin' Me - To: The Kiddin' You!)

As a college kid I came across Dylan's SONG TO WOODY. The only Woody I then knew was a woodpecker. So I listened to the song a few times, read the album notes, took off for the music store downtown to get somethin on the "new" (for me) Woody. Library of Congress recordings/interview (Alan Lomax). TOTALLY took me in. The instant I heard WG's voice, I was taken. Long story short, he finally became the topic of my M.A. thesis which, in time, became a one-man show on Guthrie. That was the beginning of an amazing period of ten years in my life, which took me all over this great country, and even far beyond its borders. Some of the many memorable performances in America include The White House, Ford's Theater, the Library of Congress, Off-Broadway in the storied Cherry Lane Theater (where Guthrie once performed, himself!) - many, many colleges and universities, L.A.'s Skid Row, and in a Texas State Prison's Death Row. Quite a ride....

During this time I began writing - inspired, of course, by you-know-who - and, I've never stopped. Somewhere between 800 and 1000 selections....

30 of that number are included on my first CD - no, obviously, I'm NOT an "early-bird Over-Achiever" - some of'em are very recent, and others go back a couple of decades or more. I like'em... even love'em. Remember, WG was NOT an opera singer, but, he was passionate about what he did, and so am I. Biblically speaking, my vocalizations are under the cover of the Make a Joyful Noise - Umbrella.

Some of my songs are just silly...Have You Seen Your Nose?
Others are affirming....I Like You!
Others, encouraging...Donut
Some seem to inspire folks...Tiny...Randle...Beagle...K-Mart Tree
The final three are Patriotic...The Price...American Tapestry...You are the "U" in U.S.A.

And on it goes. To be very frank, I - as you might expect - really hope you like the CD, or at least a track or two; and, if you do, I'd appreciate it, if you could and/or would take a moment to tell me so. And, of course, if you're of a different opinion, you could drop me a note to that effect .. .. .. or not.

Regardless, thanks for listening....or looking...or reading ~

See ya next time -

Blessings to you and yours,

