

"The banjo can be such a happy instrument, but in the hands of Joshua Hall, the plucky instrument turns dark and brooding. ...Trowbridge’s voice is reminiscent of Bryan Ferry – a rich, lowend monotone that blends with, and drives, the foreboding tone of the songs. The result of their deep voices and moody instrumentation is comparable to the band Sixteen Horsepower, although in Blackgrass’ case, hellfire and damnation don’t dominate the lyrics....And a few Knoxville landmarks even get a mention on “Big House Blues” - - “Scarecrows looking at the city streets, not so much birds are tryin’ to eat our seeds, but you never know who or what’s coming your way a mile from Magnolia just off Broadway.”
The concept of Blackgrass (beginning with the band’s name and carrying through the music, CD packaging and promo materials) is so fully, and impressively, realized. This is the kind of product major labels are always creating, but it’s inspiring when a band makes it happen on their own, when you can just tell that this was their vision not some pre-packaged notion. Nothing about Blackgrass seems accidental, but it all seems genuine."
By Paige M. Travis, originally appeared in Knoxville's Spark in April 2003.
