Sonic Screamer
Notes on the individual tracks:
Hellish Beat: This song originally had vocals but it was a lot of mindless yelling. I edited it down until it was nothing but really solid instrumental and then added in the cowbell at the beginning. The idea of putting an instrumental with a cowbell intro as the opening song of an album was hilarious.
Noise Reduction: Originally about 4 minutes long, which was way too long for what it was. Thus, I edited it down to a crisp 2:23 or so and added the drums.
I Coulda Been Somebody: This song was greatly improved by the over the top epic drums that sound like something from 2001: A Space Odyssey. There was some unintentional feedback in the vocals that I tried to edit out as best I could, but you can still hear a slight bit during the climactic title line near the end.
Knife: The original recording of this song was pretty rough, but I always thought there was a good idea in it. I finally harnessed in the best parts and ditched the sloppy stuff, and the drums also really drive t