

Govinda's 2014 EP release Luminance

The current year:2014AD. Govinda's latest release continues to explore luminous realms of sonic magic. Into the depths of mystery and enchantment we dive as the silky vocals of Irina Mikhailova, Brittania Born and Ill-Esha and Sophie Holt fuse into your heart chakra's DNA and Shane's sensual gypsy violin melodies soar through ancient ancestral past lifetimes. Alien clicks and serpentine waves of bass are giving clairvoyant sight to your utopian future. Get lost in time with Luminance.

Shane has been working to unveil the mysteries of the universe through sound since the beginning of his career in music. In his recent collaboration with Brittania Born, "Light Arrives", the whimsical starlight illuminates the divine inner light in the human experience. Through tones and beats we are transported through time and space to the present blissful space of dance and ecstatic unification.

Some older song are revisited on this EP such as "Om Tare" and "Angel Freezing". A new set of beats and tones now accompany the familiar melodies to further deepen the experience of the music.

As always, the violin continues to be the driving uniqueness in Govinda's music. "Panther" and "Gypsy Side Show" showcase the hauntingly seductive melodies that make Govinda's music so distinctive.

Overall, "Luminance" is the collective light of this inspired music. This is going to be a great year for humans!


Light Arrives - vocals by Brittany Born ( Bee )
Panther - vocals by Irina Mikhailova
Possibilities - vocals by Ill-Esha
Break the Spell - vocals by Sophie Holt
Gypsy Side Show - vocals by Susan Zuzka Allan
Om Tare - rethought mix - vocal samples by Irina Mikhailova

all other instruments, composition, production and violins by Shane Madden
All right reserved, BMI 2014

Cover photo - Cameron Jordan
Cover art and design - Evan Bozarth
Mastering - Bil Bless
