Above The Night Sky

Above The Night Sky

From his earliest years, Zem began composing music on the piano. Today he is in the vanguard of a new generation of modern composers, expanded the existing spectrum of sound and musical language to a new and unique level. Zem’s greatest wish is that Above the Night Sky offers you another epic adventure in sound as After Hours did.
A very special thank you to the following people:

• Hartley D. Peavey, CEO Peavey Corporation, recognized authority worldwide in the music industry. Thoughts and Appreciation… “Regarding Zem’s music CD After Hours, I am playing your CD in my office carousel. It is very good!”

• Museum of Making Music, Carlsbad, CA.

• Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina.

• Betty Patrick and Family and Michael J. Fremont.

• My fans who keep playing the After Hours album to achieve a more tranquil state of mind.

• Steve Jahrling of the New Mexico based, The Daily Times: “Keyboard scaling reminiscent of Carlos Santana.”

• Bill Fark of the San Diego North County Times: “He ranges from European classicism to contemporary music… it showcases the composer’s mastery of the keyboard.”

• Nathalle Taylor, award winning entertainment journalist: “The allure of his music is part inspirational and part repose.”
