My music has been expanded more with each project I take on. I learned classical very seriously right up til the age of 19, at which point, I bought a computer & started experimenting with sequencing & trying to write basic pop sort of things.
What came out was some sort of ambient piano & vocal electronic music.
I learned pop song structure from listening to punk bands as a teenager. They stuck to a very rigid song structure, which provides a very dependable feeling for a listener. I use pop song structures, but like to challenge those structures when things feel too predictable.
I make sure to use a variety of different musical sounds from all cultures. This can make it hard to present a cohesive body of work, but I make sure to keep common threads, which usually end up being Vocals (usually about 40 tracks per recording) & Piano.
Leading up to writing the album "Integration", I wrote & recorded an EP titled "One Room" Based on the concepts of mental health & my experiences in associating safety wit