Owls Calling

Owls Calling

This project is partially supported by an Individual Artist Program Grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events, as well as a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Like two albums in one, the first 8 tracks feature Kathy Kelly on vibes with John Kregor guitar, Dan DeLorenzo bass and Andre Beasley drums. The music is strong on melody and rhythm giving the musicians room to stretch out on solos but is still concise.
Many of the pieces are inspired by nature or literary works. Inspiration for each tune:
Luna’s Love is a groovy tune inspired by Brasilian music and originally named after Ms. Lovegood of Harry Potter fame.

Blues Apres Ravel with a slightly sad and sparse melody, is inspired by the classical composer Maurice Ravel.

Owls Calling is inspired by the sound of owls I heard calling to each other when I stepped out of my sister’s house in Wisconsin one night. The beauty of their call
