From Moment To Moment

From Moment To Moment

From Moment To Moment
MSW-G025 [2001]

"I have this friend who claims - in all seriousness - that a good vocal album is largely a matter of pre-recording decisions: hire the right musicians, get an arranger who knows what he's doing, and pick out 12 great but not overdone songs (I especially applaud the choice of "When She Makes Music," or, for that matter, anything by the great Marvin Fisher), and you're in like Flint. If that were all there were to it, of course, then anybody, even he (or, Heaven help us, I) could make great vocal records. George Evans, contrastingly, shows us that talent is a major factor. I know he knows his stuff, and probably knows a lot more great jazz and pop vocal records inside and out than I, but that doesn't explain why he's so good at singing it. It's a combination, obviously, of knowledge and skill and artistic sensibility - the willingness to get up there and take chances. I started to try to think of the last time I heard a new album by a young male jazz - pop - standards sing
