Trucker's Paradise

Trucker's Paradise

"In my 30 years in Nashville I've never had so much fun working on a project.
Thanks to Red and some of Nashville's finest musicians.
I think we've made one of the best truckdriving albums ever.

Dennis Adkins

"My good friend, Red Jenkins has traveled all the way from Sweden to Nashville, TN
to record the best truckdriving album that's been recorded in the past 25 years.
This CD should be a constant companion to every truckdriver who makes the cab of his truck,
his home away from home.
It was my pleasure to record one of the songs in this album with Red.
Red Jenkins has a feel for truckdriving songs and a feel for country music, and his great
talent has made me a fan of his....for life"

Jack Barlow

"Red Jenkins brings the spirit of the road, not only by honoring the heroes of the highway.
but also by letting us look into the lives pf everyday, hardworking people.
I'm thrilled to be a part of this album!

Becky Hobbs

"When asked to sing with Red on this project, I was delighted to do so.
But when he said we would be singing a Mel Street song I was really excited
to do it, being a lover of traditional country music I hope you enjoy Red's album
and it's wonderful traditional flavor. It's good for what it ails you!

Dawn Sears

"When I was asked to write and sing a song together with Red for this truckdriving
album I jumped at the chance. It was an opportunity and a pleasure to work
with a lot of my friends and sing about a lot of our friends, some living and
some who've passed on. I've always had a lot of respect for those "Kings Of The Road"
and I've always thought that country music sounded a little bit better inside the
cab of a big rig.

John Riggs
