

Enjoy project albums? CDs which feature several amazing musicians with different yet compatible musical styles, all clamouring for your attention, all with something unique to offer? Then J.A.M. is for you. A marriage of European and American talent, J.A.M. is a mixture of hard-edged rock and blues fusion, pop rock, even ballads; all immersed in some seriously O.T.T. soloing from some of the finest musicians in the business.

Joel Rivard, Alessandro Benvenuti and Milan Polak all possess a wealth of experience under their belt, having performed live many times and having contributed to several musical projects utilising many diverse styles. J.A.M. witnesses a collaboration of the highest, with each player writing 3 songs over which the others solo.

The project also features keyboard maestro, Lale Larson (last heard on LNR's Richard Hallebeek Project CD). J.A.M. is a feast of fantastic musicianship and unrestrained virtuoso playing which absolutely CANNOT be missed!
