
Silhouette I feel that I should talk a little bit about Silhouette, the album which has taken up the last year or so of my life. Now that it is on the cusp of finality, I must admit that I am more than a little nervous. What if you don't like it? I have listened to the music so many times that after I see the printed discs arrive on my doorstep, I doubt I will ever listen to it again.

Much of the music on Silhouette was written while travelling throughout Southeast Asia (Vietnam and Thailand). I bought a cheap guitar and the inspiration flowed freely. Other pieces I wrote out of longing to recapture something or someone that was long gone. Still, other pieces were heavily influenced by both freedom and nostaligia, combined with elements of the weather. Frick Park, for example is a beautiful green sanctuary within the city of Pittsburgh. I used to go there often to relax and try to get lost for hours at a time. I tried to paint a picture of that place beginning in the very early morning. Before Sunrise...Cloud Break...The Mid-Day Sun...The Ominous Evening...Thunderstorm at Midnight.

The title, Silhouette, is for a person who was the source of much inspiration. However, true to the nature of inspiration, they existed for only but a fleeting moment before they were lost in the sand...or the rain...or the ice...or wherever they came from. This album is for a muse/ghost.

Finally, a bit about the name Golan. For those of geographical inclination, the word will perhaps, steer you toward the Golan Heights in Israel. This is not, however, where the name comes from. "Golan," in the Romanian language, refers to a ragamuffin, or a tramp...someone whose outward appearance may not necessarily reflect what's inside in the proper light.

But even as I write all of these words about the music, I am aware that they are useless. I'm just telling you what the music means to me. But it's not really mine, you know that. It's only mine as it's coming out of my head or going back into my ears, and even then, it's still a positively dubious ownership. I will, however, be the financial custodian when it goes on sale. Then you can mail Golan 10 bucks or so and we can further confuse the issue. You can't, like, own a song man...
