The Vine - Photosynthesis

The Vine - Photosynthesis

Turney & Jordan was founded in June of 1993, by songwriter/guitarist/vocalist James William (Wil)Turney and songwriter/pianist/vocalist Timothy Jordan. After rehearsing together for a couple of months they decided to form a band. That bands name was The Vine. The Vine became a semi-successful band in and around the Central Valley of California, playing most of the major venues such as the Madera and Fresno Fairs, and managing a television appearance on a local CBS affiliate. The Vine recorded and released a thirteen song CD in November of 2000 entitled Photosynthesis.

While The Vine has been disbanded for nearly five years, the nucleus of the band and two primary singer songwriters continue to collaborate together under the moniker Turney & Jordan. At the present date Turney & Jordan are polishing off approximately thirty-four new songs for the forth comming CD entitled Relics.
