Blues Britannia

Blues Britannia

First released in the UK in 1993, this compilation produced by Richard Newman and Simon Heyworth is an accurate record of the unique qualities inherent in British Blues.

The players appearing on this album have been performing at the forefront of British Blues for many decades.

Cliff Aungier was one of the first British artists to be signed when this new style of music, the blues, arrived in the early sixties, and Cliff spent four decades \'living the blues.\' His version of \'Sandiago Serenade\' is a great memory of a fine musician who passed on in 2004.

Geoff Bradfords \'Little security\' is a classic piece of finger-style talking blues quintessentially English in both content and performance.

The standard of musicianship is tremendous and many of the performances captured on \'Blues Britannia\' are seminal versions.

Featured musicians include; Peter Green, Snowy White, Steve Marriot, Geoff Bradford, Cliff Aungier, Dave Pegg, Danny Thompson, Dave Kelly, Mickey Moody, Jerry Donahue, Ronnie Johnson, Gerry Conway, Rod Dawes and Paul Jones.
