Piano Circus

Piano Circus

Many artists come from a single background, such as punk, or heavy metal, or pop music. Pianist and composer Cole B comes from a multi-faceted background. He started out playing classical and popular music, and listening to top 40 radio, but has finally decided on a style that is all his own, combining jazz, pop, dance, funk, atonality and minimalism. Cole B enjoys working on his own, knowing all too well how difficult it is to find people who are dedicated and serious about performing in a band.
Cole B started life as Bryan Eyberg, in Creston Iowa. He started taking piano lessons when he was 7 years old, and took to the piano very quickly. He learned to play from method books, but soon after starting was playing pieces that he had heard on the radio, as well as easy classics by composers such as Mozart, Bach, and Schubert, and Beethoven. Cole couldn’t even pronounce the names of some of these composers, but loved their music very much.
When Cole was in junior high school, he got his first keyboard,
