Of Questionable Origins

Of Questionable Origins

"With me the horrid doubt always arises as to whether the convictions of man's mind, which have been developed from the lower animals, are of any value or are at all trustworthy"
- Charles Darwin 1881

Recognizing the truth of the foregoing, I'll spare you the album cover philosophy. Yet, altruism is one of the better traits that has found a place in our gene pool and without the kind help and assistance of many, I would have never completed this project. I sincerely thank all those generous beings of any genus and species who have helped me but in particular, the following individuals deserve a special THANKS: Ms. Monica (Wolfie) Doyle, wife, friend, lover, artist extraordinnaire and one hot babe; Senor Michael (Tomas) Tomeo - a superior genetic branch and crazy man; Mark Wintriss, a visionary before his time; Done Steele - one hell of a guitarist, Richard Clinkenbeard whose dedication put live Species on stage time and again, and my two canine friends Remy and PNut, benevolent beasts and the best buddie
