Rumi (The Beloved is Here)
"Rumi: The Beloved is Here" is one album you cannot afford to miss. "The Beloved is Here" masterfully fuses the spiritual poetry of Rumi (1207-1273) with contemporary sounds and exotic rhythms. It merges the past and present together by seamlessly blending different styles of music, from Rave to Jazz and ethnic grooves, while reintroducing us to this great poet's universal vision within a whole new contemporary musical framework.
This album takes us on an emotional journey that evokes in the listener visual and spiritual images that are timeless and breathtakingly beautiful. With this exciting new album DBF Records brings together for the first time three of greatest Persian artists, Dariush, Ramesh and Faramarz Aslani, and pairs them with first class musicians from around the world to produce unique works of musical inspiration that not only teaches but also entertains.
"The Beloved is Here" also incorporates several purely instrumental pieces as well as selections of the spoken word, performed by accompli