

Brought into the music business by Billy Gussak ( drummer for Bill Haley and The Comets) in 1964. Brute joined the Tokens ("Lion Sleeps Tonight") Wrote "Nobody Knows", Chiffons hit. Recorded album on Columbia/Sony, "I, Brute Force, Confections of Love". "Extemporaneous" on BT Puppy, now rereleased on Revola UK.Single on Warner Bros, "Adam and Evening". 1969 becomes international cult fav with "King of Fuh, produced by Sir Geo. Harrison on Apple, and produced in 2006 as a musical. "Planetwork" Brute's first WORLD genre album. NuevoRadical,("Fantasy of Nationality", "Pledge of Allegiance to the Planet").Performing duo with daughter as Brute Force and Daughter of Force, at SXSW in 2007 and 2008. Performs with 4 piece band in USA. In UK performs with Misty's Big Adventure. Hosts Variety Show at The Players, NYC.
